“Every year hundreds of thousands of mobile phones go missing”

“Mislaid tech can’t be returned to unknown owners”

“Millions of items of luggage are lost each year”

“Every year over a million wallets and purses are accidentally dropped”
You can securely mark your items at a very low cost
The majority of lost property can’t be returned to the owner as the finder can’t contact them
Most police stations no longer keep hold of lost property. Unidentified items which cannot quickly be returned to their owners are disposed of
Keys and phones are the most commonly returned items
Avoids the inconvenience of document or ID replacement
Tag & Track identifies your property without revealing your personal details
Easily left behind and easily returned

What is Tag & Track?
Year round protection and recovery for your personal possessions, including: mobile phone, keys, wallets/purses, gadgets, bags, luggage, passports and more... Get it back with TAG&TRACK !

How does it work?
Attaching TAG&TRACK to your personal possessions allows us to safely and securely identify you, to reunite you with your lost property.